Embarrassed Executive

October 13, 2017 | Manufacturing remains strong in Iowa Rena Striegel, President, Transition Point Business Advisors, rena@tomorrowiscoming.com

Q. I find myself becoming overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to get done. How do I manage all of it?

A. Successful people are often overwhelmed by the number of tasks and people that need their attention. Here are three tips to help you stay focused:

1. Take time to think! A Clarity Break will give you an opportunity to get away from the office to identify and reflect on the strategic things you need to focus on to move your business forward. Clarity Breaks can be weekly or monthly, but the most important thing to remember is that you need to get out of the office and find a place where you are relaxed and feel creative.

2. Prioritize! It is a natural tendency to deal with the problem that seems the biggest or loudest. Don’t be afraid to slow things down and deal with issues in order of strategic importance rather than by level of urgency. Ask yourself: Does it really need to be handled right now? Is it something that your team can be empowered to deal with?

3. Delegate! Leaders can find it difficult to turn things over to others. Try the small things first and work up to bigger, more complicated tasks as your trust level with your team members increases. Change your language from “Can I help you?,” which opens the door to having tasks come back onto your plate, to “How can I support you?” This small change in wording will allow you to coach your team rather than add tasks to your already full day.

By taking time to prioritize and stay mindful about the tasks and people who need your attention, you will find that your productivity will increase and your team will become more independent.