Department of Revenue Guidance on Tax Reform

June 14, 2018

The Iowa Department of Revenue has dedicated a portion of its website to the 2018 Tax Reform legislation. In addition to guidance on some of the provisions that will go into effect in tax year 2018, the DOR has an Iowa Tax Reform page where you can request guidance about the tax reform bill. If you have specific questions about the legislation and would like ABI to ask them on your behalf, please let us know, and we will be happy to put in a request for guidance. Although the bill is law, several components do not go into effect until tax year 2019. Also, a portion of the sales tax provisions are dependent on the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling of the Wayfair Case, which would overturn Quill and allow states to collect on internet sales. Stay tuned to future ABI newsletters for information on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling.