Weekly Business Report Shares Ways Employers Can Educate Employees About Local Elections
October 22, 2021

For ABI's latest Weekly Business Report, ABI Executive Vice President Nicole Crain and Dalexi Carrillo, Director of Programming and Communications with BIPAC highlighted ways ABI members can take advantage of resources to engage and educate their employees on local elections.
BIPAC, which is the Business-Industry Political Action Committee, emphasizes how every election can have a big impact on our industries and jobs. To help employers effectively communicate the importance of educating and engaging their employees about local elections, the organization develops custom websites where employees can find the most important information. BIPAC provides materials such as absentee/early voting information, a find-your-candidates tool, and Get Out the Vote toolkits.
One of those custom websites is IA Votes. IA Votes, also known as the Iowa Prosperity Project, is a non-partisan effort sponsored by the non-profit Economic Progress for Iowa Citizens. IA Votes provides the basics of how government works and a page where people can find their elected officials. IA Votes has an Advocacy Resource Hub where people can learn about ABI's priorities and also learn about voting requirements.
Employers look to their employers or a representative of their employer as sources of information. According to BIPAC:
- Sixty-seven percent (67%) of employees want to hear from their employers about elections and voting.
- Seventy-two percent (72%) of employees who recall receiving information believe their company cares about their local community and is a good citizen.
- Seventy-eight percent (78%) want to hear from their employees about policy issues.
In Iowa, the local elections will take place on November 2.
ABI members can also access these resources next year, which will be updated for the 2022 primary and general elections.