2018 Air Monitoring Network Plan Available for Public Review and Comment
May 24, 2018
The past few years ABI has commented to the DNR’s Air Quality Bureau about the statewide monitoring network. Although the entire state benefits from the monitoring network, for many years Title V fee payers were picking up quite a bit of the cost, in addition to a small appropriation from the state general fund.
The annual air monitoring network plan is now available on the bureau's Public Participation page under Public Input. The plan, along with comments received by the public, will be submitted to the EPA after a 30-day review period. The Air Quality Bureau must receive all public comments by June 21, 2018. If you are interested in commenting, or would like ABI to comment on your behalf, please let a member of the public policy staff know. You may send comments to Sean Fitzsimmons via mail (Lead Worker, Ambient Air Monitoring Section, Iowa Air Quality Bureau, 502 E. 9th St., Des Moines, IA 50319) or email at sean.fitzsimmons@dnr.iowa.gov.
The plan contains detailed information about the location and purpose of any monitor in Iowa’s air monitoring network that produces data for comparison with national ambient air quality standards. The air monitoring network plan will assist the Iowa DNR in its efforts to monitor the quality of Iowa’s air and to keep the public aware of air quality problems. The plan is required by the EPA’s national ambient air monitoring regulations.