ABI engages with DNR on air quality and water issues
November 3, 2016
Last week, ABI staff and members of the ABI Environment Committee attended a stakeholder meeting hosted by Air Quality Bureau to talk about the budget for next year. The department is facing a budget shortfall in the Title V program due to reduction in air emissions. Another meeting will be held on Nov. 29 at the ABI office to discuss the monitoring network for Iowa. If you are interested in participating in this meeting, please contact Nicole Crain, ncrain@iowaabi.org.
ABI also met with DNR to review draft NPDES permits 8 and 9, which have been substantially altered by DNR to reflect changes requested by ABI due to member concerns with the initial proposals. DNR has created matrices to assist permittees in understanding whether the permits cover their particular discharge scenario. DNR also developed a sample log for when monitoring under the permits would be required. With major issues resolved, DNR will now decide whether to take the package through formal rulemaking.