ABI Participates in Monthly EPC Meeting
October 22, 2020
Brad Hartkopf, ABI Director of Public Policy, called into the monthly Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) meeting Tuesday. The commission, composed of nine members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate, considered a number of noteworthy items during its meeting. The commission signed off on a contract that DNR will now be entering into regarding the next phase of the agency’s efforts to overhaul Iowa’s existing solid waste management policy through Sustainable Materials Management (SMM). SMM Phase II is going to be a multi-year, stakeholder-led process. ABI will be closely following the development of this initiative as a stakeholder, with meetings likely to be set sometime next year. The commission approved updates to Chapter 64: Wastewater Construction and Operation Permits to include Mining and Processing Facility Discharges and Pesticide Discharges. The last item the commission signed off on was an affirmation of DNR Director Lyon’s decision not to issue a Declaratory Order on matters related to the “convenience standard” under the Bottle Bill law. If you have any questions about these issues, please contact Brad Hartkopf.