Administrative Rules Committee Meets
October 11, 2018
In the last two years, ABI has commented on dozens of proposed rules and reviewed thousands of pages of administrative bulletins. This in-depth policy analysis is another benefit of your ABI membership. This week, Jessica Hyland and Brad Hartkopf attended the Administrative Rules Review Committee meeting.
Highlights of the meeting included:
- State rules from the Insurance Division to implement legislation on MEWAs and AHPs moved through rules this week with a great deal of discussion surrounding requirements for the formation of these groups intended to provide an alternative to other health insurance plans, bolster choices for consumers and lower health care premiums.
- The Department of Revenue noticed two rules to implement tax reform legislation from last session. Section 179 and research activities credit rules advanced. To read more about these rules click here.
The Department of Revenue also recently noticed rules for assessment practices and equalization for commercial and multi-residential properties. ABI expects additional rules from the Department of Revenue to come forward in the next two months relating to definition of manufacturer for purposes of a sales tax exemption and rules to implement the final-stage manufacturer licensing for DOT.