Air Quality Bureau Proposes No New Fee Increases at EPC Meeting
March 18, 2021
The Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) held its monthly meeting on Tuesday and there a couple of highlights to note. The Air Quality Bureau (AQB) stated they are not requesting any fee increases in their proposed budget for FY22. This reaffirms the initial decision that was made during the stakeholder meeting on the budget earlier this year. The AQB will come back to the EPC in May for final approval of their budget. Industry emissions are continuing to decline at a steady pace. During DNR Director Kayla Lyon’s remarks, she commented that there has been a substantial increase in the number of permittees using the EASY Air online application system.
PFAS is another topic of interest to ABI members around the country and the state recently put together its plan. Rogers Bruner of the Water Quality Bureau also gave a presentation on PFAS. You can view the PowerPoint, which is the first eight slides in this link.