Governor Announces Last-Dollar Scholarship Recipients
November 21, 2019
ABI was on hand Tuesday when Gov. Reynolds announced more than 5,800 Iowa students have been awarded Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarships for fall 2019. Preliminary numbers show over $6.6 million has been distributed, which is the first time it’s been available. The average award is $1,132. The Last-Dollar Scholarship, which received more than a $13 million appropriation during the 2019 legislative session, is designed to help students get post-secondary credentials up to an associate’s degree in a high-demand field. The program focuses on four important areas: advanced manufacturing production, construction and engineering, health care and biosciences, and information technology. In addition to the Last-Dollar Scholarships, ABI supported the Employer Innovation Fund component of Future Ready Iowa. Initial award recipients were announced in August. The second round of recipients will be released by Dec. 1, 2019. Read the full news release.