Help Advance ABI’s Public Policy Work by Developing a Relationship with your Local Legislators
August 11, 2023
ABI public policy staff is grateful to all of our members who engage in our public policy efforts. Whether you attend public policy meetings or other events, it makes a difference and we thank you.
Another way you can become involved is by fostering and developing a relationship with your House and Senate members. Here's some ways to that:
- Attend ABI events like the Legislative Briefing and Reception or Business Day in Des Moines.
- Attend legislative forums during the legislative session.
- Request to schedule an in-person meeting.
- Communicate your perspective through a phone call or email.
- Visit the Capitol during the legislative session.
- Invite your local officials to tour your facility - Explaining the impact of your company to their district can be a powerful tool in helping a policymaker determine where they will stand on business issues.
JD Davis and Brad Hartkopf standby ready and willing to help you facilitate a legislative visit or meeting so that you can build your relationships. Please contact either of them regarding this issue or any other public policy matter.