Initial Unemployment Claims Continue to Remain Low
June 11, 2020
Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) announced there were 10,112 initial unemployment claims filed by individuals for the week of May 31 through June 6. That number is slightly higher than last week, but still a vast improvement from what we’ve seen over the course of the last three months. In another positive sign, there was $40 million paid out of the unemployment trust fund for the same week, which is approximately $10 million less than the week prior. The number of continuing weekly unemployment claims was 162,562, which is down by about 3,000 from last week. The top sectors that saw the most initial claims filed included manufacturing (2,080); those not identified by industry including the self-employed, independent contractors, etc. (1,421); and health care and social assistance (1,010). Read IWD's news release.