“The Bottom Line on Industrial Stormwater” Training Webinar Coming Soon
April 2, 2020
The Iowa Storm Water Education Partnership, in conjunction with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources will host multiple sessions for industrial stormwater compliance. Facilities that discharge stormwater associated with industrial activity are often required to obtain permits, in this case, General Permits #1 and #3. The training session will help facilities understand permitting requirements, develop pollution prevention plans and implement best management practices. The webinars will take place on May 5 and June 10. You’ll hear from and have the opportunity to ask questions of experts from EPA Region 7; the DNR; Stanley Consultants; Cargill Starches, Sweetners, and Texturizers North America; the Iowa Stormwater Education Partnership; and Felsburg, Holt, and Ullevig. You can register for the May 5 webinar here and the June 10 webinar here.