October 14, 2016 | View PDF
Oct 14, 2016
Now more than ever, employers are playing an increasingly important role in their employees’ knowledge of the political process and their access to information about candidates and election issues.
Think about each of the product or service lines in your company. When a company expands beyond one, there often gets to be confusion on how to market the business.
Whether you have recently retired or will be soon, you’re probably feeling a lot of different emotions. Excitement. Anticipation. Maybe even fear. No matter what you’re feeling or what questions you have, you’ve spent years preparing and saving for this moment.
Iowa companies are placing a greater emphasis on the onboarding of new hires and job-specific skills training, according to a new survey from ATW Training Solutions.
Many Iowans have already cast ballots in this important election, but there is still plenty of time to reach employees and voters who are on the fence about voting.
The Iowa Association of Business and Industry has partnered with BIPAC to provide an important resource, www.iavotes.com, where Iowa voters can research and learn more on where candidates and elected officials stand on issues important to Iowa employees, industry sectors and consumers.
ABI is conducting a 40 Days of Voting Campaign to promote voter participation and raise money to support candidates who have a record of championing Iowa businesses.