Become a Public Policy Mentor

November 13, 2020 | Human connection JD Davis, Vice President, Public Policy, ABI,

Mentoring is important because it is an efficient way to impart knowledge to individuals that are new to an organization. Some mentorships are formal. Some individuals seek out mentors with their own initiative. Sometimes we find ourselves offering our experience and knowledge to others at work to help them get the job done right.

At this writing the 2020 election outcome is unknown. Who controls the White House, Congress and the Iowa Statehouse is on the ballot, and we will not know the results until November 3rd. But one thing is known. With each election cycle, there will be new people doing the job of representing voters. These newly elected leaders will want to get the job done right. As their new roles require them to make policy decisions they will rely on their own knowledge and on guidance provided to them from others they trust.

ABI public policy staff will begin outreach to the new members of the Iowa Legislature directly after the election to represent our members’ priorities with policymakers. What has always been of greater help has been the involvement of member employers with their local representatives. This informal mentorship—passing along knowledge to help get the job done right—has often been the measure of ABI’s success.

With the election now behind us, I would ask you to consider making a decision to engage and impart your expertise in business issues with those newly elected. Challenge your employees to do the same. Public policy staff is eager to provide the connections and introductions with those newly elected and our members. Think about starting these relationships now, so that when decision-making time comes, you will have already built trust with your representatives. Please contact me so these important connections can be made.