Three ways to engage your employees in three weeks

January 8, 2016 | Iowa Caucuses: Top issues facing businesses Iowa Association of Business and Industry,

The Iowa caucuses are three weeks away, which is plenty of time to launch a get-out-the-vote effort with your employees. Research shows that employees trust their employer more than any other source when it comes to political and public policy information.

Here are three ways you can engage your employees in the caucus process:

Share information on the candidates. There are many candidates, and voters can feel overwhelmed. Help ease voter anxiety by providing unbiased, nonpartisan information on where candidates stand on issues important to your company. You can find helpful side-by-side comparisons on the IaVotes website:

Activate your employee base by tracking down the candidates and sharing information on local events. All politics are local, and in Iowa during the caucus season, all candidates are, too. Find out when all candidates, regard- less of party, will be in your region and share the information with your employees so they can hear from and ask questions of the presidential hopefuls.

Explain caucus night procedure and participation options. The caucus process itself can be hard to understand. With delegates, conventions, straw polls and differing implementation depending on party, it’s hard to keep up with what actually occurs on caucus night. We’ve done the research for you on Drive employees to the website for all they need to know about how the caucuses work.