Top 5 Prevention Tips for Busy Leaders

May 12, 2017 | Women in Manufacturing Dr. Sim Palagummi, The Iowa Clinic,

As a busy business leader, the demands associated with growing your company, overseeing operations and leading your team might often take priority over your own health and well-being.

The following are tips to help you minimize your risks and feel your best:

  1. Eat real food. Don’t make this complicated. Listen to your body, eat when you are hungry and plan ahead. When left to what’s available fast, chances are great it’ll be highly processed junk food. Have healthy options with you — nuts, seeds, cheese sticks, jerky, plain popcorn, etc. For meals, make sure you’re eating complex carbs (greens, whole grains, fruit), protein and a healthy fat (olive oil, avocado, nuts, coconut oil, etc.).
  2. Schedule time to exercise. If it’s not on your calendar, it’s not happening. Give yourself permission to take care of you. Keep it simple. Walking (especially outside) is a great stress reliever and doesn’t increase your appetite.
  3. Sleep. Shut it down already. Leave the phone in the kitchen, turn off the TV, read a fiction book and relax. Your body needs seven to nine hours daily.
  4. Drink more water. Don’t like plain water? Try adding True Lemon or True Lime. Water drinkers average 70 to 90 fewer calories per meal — that adds up!
  5. Go to the Doctor! We get it. You’re busy. A head-to-toe physical exam that includes a thorough medical review, extensive bloodwork, an advanced stress test and cardiac scoring is a wise and valuable investment. Programs like the Iowa Clinic’s Executive Health Physical are specifically designed for busy business leaders and offer all those services and more in a one-day exam. The bottom line: You’re in charge. Lead by example. Take time to take care of you.