3 Weeks, 3 Ways to Engage Your Employees

October 14, 2016 | 2016 Election: Make Your Vote Count Iowa Association of Business and Industry, eschettler@iowaabi.org

It’s hard to believe Election Day is less than a month away. Many Iowans have already cast ballots in this important election, but there is still plenty of time to reach employees and voters who are on the fence about voting.

When registered, 60.3 percent of private industry employees voted in the 2014 election. Encouraging employees to register to vote can ensure prosperity and economic growth not only in our state, but also nationwide.


  1. Help employees register. Provide employees with the resources they need to register to vote. Share a link to the online voter registration form at www.iavotes.com Print paper voter registration forms for employees to fill out and provide information on where to return them.
  2. Remind employees of important local races. A great deal of emphasis has been placed on the presidential race this election cycle; however, there are many down-ballot races that matter to Iowa companies and their employees and families. Those include federal lawmakers, state lawmakers, county officers and judges. Some communities will also vote on important local initiatives. Oftentimes, it is these local decision-makers who have the greatest impact on our day-to-day lives.
  3. Share early voting and polling place information. Iowans have many opportunities to vote, beginning 40 days before Election Day. Provide links to absentee ballot information (available at www.iavotes.com) and information about your local auditor’s office, which can provide polling place information on Election Day.